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Advanced Management: Motivation, Strategic Planning and Creative Problem Solving
January 28, 2020
Jadwal Pelatihan Advanced Management: Motivation, Strategic Planning and Creative Problem Solving
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Di dunia sekarang ini, manajer tingkat menengah dan senior dihadapkan pada tanggung jawab yang semakin kompleks. Untuk menghadapi tantangan ini, mereka harus terus mengasah keterampilan manajemen dan kepemimpinan yang diperlukan untuk berhasil dalam lingkungan bisnis yang cepat berubah saat ini.
- Dapat mendiskusikan keterampilan perencanaan, pengendalian, kepemimpinan, dan pengambilan keputusan
- Mengembangkan keterampilan di bidang negosiasi
- Mendapatkan wawasan tentang keberhasilan implementasi tim
- Dapat mempertimbangkan metode untuk meningkatkan kinerja manajemen
OUTLINE MATERI Training Advanced Management: Motivation, Strategic Planning and Creative Problem Solving
1. An Overview of Management
- What is Management?
- Where do managers spend their time?
- The Keys Concepts Management
- The link between Management and Organizational Performance
- The different types of management
- The different expectations and levels of management
- Developing Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Performance of people in an Organization
2. People Management
- The Importance of Sociotechnical Management
- Techniques for Effective Communication
- Motivating for Results
- Enhancing your Coaching Skills
- Empowering Employees for Improved Performance
- Characteristics of a Successful Manager
- Setting Goals and Objectives
- An Efficient Daily System
- Prioritizing
- Importance Vs Urgency
3. Management Planning
- The Planning Process
- Time Horizons of Plans
- Types of Plans
- Three Steps in Planning
- Planning Process Stages
- Determining The Organizations Mission and Goals
- Mission Statements
- Formulating Planning and Implementing Strategy
4. Controlling Skills
- Organizational Control
- Three Types of Control
- Types of Control
- Process Control
- Output Control
- Problems with Output Control
- Management By Objectives
5. Leading Teams
- Obtaining the Benefits of Teamwork
- Characteristics of Ineffective Teams
- Characteristics of Effective Teams
- Managing Conflict in a Productive Manner
- Understanding Team Member Styles
- Creating a Virtual Team
6. Leadership
- The Nature of Leadership
- Sources of Managerial Power
- Power: the Key to Leadership
- Being A Charismatic Leadership
- Leadership Across Cultures
- Gender and Leadership
7. Negotiating For Results
- Gaining Insight into the Negotiating Process
- Characteristics of an Effective Negotiator
- Developing Negotiating Strategies
- Employing Persuasive Negotiation Techniques
- Achieving the Benefits of Effective Negotiating
- Negotiation Exercises
8. Decision Making
- The nature of Managerial Decision Making
- Programmed and Non-Programmed Decisions
- Six steps in Decision Making
- Organizational Learning and Creativity
- Building Group Creativity
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant (Yogyakarta)
TRAINING FEE for Advanced Management: Motivation, Strategic Planning and Creative Problem Solving
Rp6.500.000,-/Peserta/Non Recidential