Chemical Hazard Handling

Chemical Hazard Handling

March 3, 2014

Jadwal Pelatihan Chemical Hazard Handling

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Instructor by: M. Sri Prasetyo Budi, St., Mt



  • Hazardous materials, which are often referred to as chemical hazards, exist in one form or another in nearly all workplaces. There is potential exposure to hazardous chemicals in any industrial and production activity. The Basic Chemical Safety Course focuses on recognition and identification of chemical hazards, its potential acute and chronic health effects in exposed employees, and the risk of fire and explosion.
  • It provides a basic but thorough review of sources of hazardous chemicals, its characteristics, devastating mechanism, and the method by which it can be controlled. Active participation is encouraged through case studies, examples, and an open discussion format.

Course Objectives

Upon completion this program Participants will be able to:

  1. Expanded their knowledge about hazards identification and demonstration in the working areas
  2. Increase their knowledge about chemicals classifications, handling including containment and labeling, storage, transportation and/or lifting strategies,
  3. Apply the proper working instructions and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in case of hazard chemicals handling,
  4. Select and organizing information, in order to deal with hazard chemicals,
  5. Avoid any unexpected hazards affected by improper handling of chemicals,
  6. Participate emergency prevention planning and its preparedness in the are of hazard chemicals handling,


Training Highlights

  1. What hazardous materials are, and how chemicals exist in mining and the workplace.
  2. Characteristics of common industrial hazardous materials.
  3. Fire, explosion, dust explosion and the basic of chemistry.
  4. Chemical access routes to the body, target systems, and the basic of toxicology.
  5. Factors that affect chemical injury or illness.
  6. Overview of MSDS.
  7. Chemical hazards control and prevention methods.
  8. Protection method and equipment.



  1. Basic Rules For Safe Chemical Handling
  2. Health Hazards Of Chemicals
  3. Physical Properties Of Chemicals
  4. General Concepts Of Toxicology
  5. Employee Protective Measures
  6. Hazard Rating Systems Currently In Use
  7. Chemical Warning Labels
  8. Chemical Storage Requirements
  9. Visits To The Field


Training Method

Case Study



Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Training Free

Rp 6.000.000,- / peserta /Non Recidential

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Topik Training : Chemical Hazard Handling
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