Online Training – Dust Explosions

Online Training – Dust Explosions

November 5, 2020

Jadwal Pelatihan Online Training – Dust Explosions

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Powders form explosible dust clouds when the particle size is small, moisture content is low and the concentration of dust in the atmosphere falls between certain critical limits.  Such conditions are routinely found inside material handling/processing equipment and, which is where explosions frequently begin; however, most damage and injuries result when the explosion forces break free of the process plant. Measures can be taken to reduce the likelihood of dust explosions occurring in your process plant, and a variety of safeguarding measures are available to control explosion forces if a dust explosion does occur. In every case, it is critical to be able to answer the question, “Why is my plant safe?, which introduces the concept of “Basis of Safety — the identification of a clear reason why facilities can safely operate without risk to people, equipment and the business.

The ATEX directives form the legal requirements in the EU and cover the minimum requirements for improving the health and safety protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres and are an approximation of the laws of EU Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Similar regulation exists in many countries outside Europe and the IEC and ISO standards are globally applicable.



1. An Introduction to Dust Explosions

  • The ATEX Directive and IEC/ISO Standards
  • The Explosion Pentagon
  • The Ten-Step Approach to Managing Risk (An Introduction)

2. Hazardous Area Classification

  • Definition of Explosive Atmospheres
  • Eight-Point Hazard Area Classification Methodology

3. Minimising the Sources of Ignition

  • Explosions and Particle Properties
  • Sources of Ignition
  • Managing Sources of Ignition

4. Reducing the Risk and Mitigating the Consequences

  • Assessing Confinement and Explosion Consequences
  • Risk-Reduction Using Simple Measures
  • Residual Risk
  • Oxygen – Exclusion and Mitigation
  • Other Risk Reduction Measures
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