Online Training – Vibration Analysis

Online Training – Vibration Analysis

October 27, 2020

Jadwal Pelatihan Online Training – Vibration Analysis

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There are so many benefits to taking this course. You will learn :

  1. About condition monitoring, including a summary of the most common technologies
  2. About reliability improvement
  3. How vibration analysis plays a key role in reliability improvement
  4. About how machines work via the supplementary self-study “equipment knowledge” section of the manual
  5. About the fundamentals of vibration: waveforms, spectra and simple metrics (overall levels, rms, peak, peak to peak and crest factor)
  6. How to take dependable, repeatable, high-quality vibration readings
  7. About vibration sensors and how and where to mount them
  8. The basics of the analysis process, primarily with vibration spectra
  9. The basics of the key analyzer settings: F-max, resolution and averaging
  10. The basics of setting alarm limits
  11. About the common “failure modes” of machines and how to detect them, including rolling element bearing faults, unbalance, misalignment, looseness and resonance



1. Maintenance Practices

  • Reactive, Preventive, Condition-Based, Proactive
  • How to Decide Between Them

2. Condition Monitoring

  • Ultrasound, Infrared, Oil Analysis, Wear Particle Analysis and Electric Motor Testing

3. Principles of Vibration

  • Waveforms
  • Metrics: Overall Levels, RMS, Peak, Peak-to-Peak and Crest Factor

4. Introduction to Vibration Measurement

  • Vibration Sensors: Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration
  • Vibration Units
  • Mounting: Where and How
  • Naming Conventions
  • Repeatability and Quality
  • Vibration Axes: V, H, A, R, and T
  • What are “routes” and How do You Create Them?
  • Detecting and Avoiding Poor Data

5. An Introduction to The Time Waveform

6. An Introduction to The Spectrum

  • An Introduction to Forcing Frequencies

7. A Brief Introduction to Phase

8. Signal Processing (Just the Absolute Basics)

  • A Quick Tour of Your Analyzer Settings
  • F-max
  • Resolution
  • Spectral Averaging

9. Vibration Analysis

  • The Spectrum Analysis Process

10. What is Resonance – a Quick Introduction

11. Diagnosing Common Fault Conditions

  • Unbalance
  • Misalignment
  • Rolling Element Bearing Failure
  • Looseness
  • Resonance

12. Setting Alarm Limits

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