Home » Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing
September 9, 2014
Jadwal Pelatihan Strategic Marketing
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Instructor by : Fauzan Asmara
Program ini dirancang agar para peserta dapat :
- Memahami Market-Driven Strategy
- Memahami Market and Competitive Space
- Memahami Continuous Learning about MARKETS
- Memahami Strategy Relationship
- Memahami Planning for New Product
- Memahami Strategic Brand Management
- Memahami Value Chain Management
- Memahami Sales Forces, Internet & Direct Marketing Strategy
OUTLINE MATERI Training Strategic Marketing
- Memahami Market Driven Strategy.
- Memahami Six Market Concepts
- Menjadi Market Oriented
- Memahami Distinctive Capabilities
- Menciptakan Value For Customers
- Mencapai Superior Performance
- Menjadi Market Driven
- Tantangan a New Era for Strategic Marketing
- Memahami Market and Competitive Space
- Pentingnya Markets and Strategies
- Memahami Product-Market Scope and Structure
- Mengidentifikasi dan men- describe END-USERS
- Mengestimasi besarnya MARKET
- Memahami Continuous Learning about MARKETS
- Mendefinisikan Continuous Learning about Markets
- Memahami beberapa Type of Marketing Information
- Mamahami pentingnya Marketing Intelligence and Knowledge Management
- Memahami Strategies Relationship (SR)
- Mengidentifikasi Strategies Relationship
- Memahami Mapping Strategies Relationship
- Menyadari Issue and the logic of Strategies Relationship
- Memahami Growth of Strategies Relationship
- Bagaimana Strategies Relationship memberikan Value
- Memberikan contoh Strategies Relationship Sample – Strategic Alliance
- Beberapa Global Relationship Among Organization
- Memahami Planning for the New Products (PNP)
- Memahami pentingnya New Products sebagai Customer Driven Process
- Memahami Product Innovation
- Menemukan Customer Value Opportunities
- Mamahami Karekter Inovasi yang sukses
- Memahami step of Planning for the New Products
- Memahami type of Market Entry
- Why do the NP fail in the market?
- Memahami Strategy Brand Management
- Memahami istilah BRAND misal Brand Equity, Brand Leverage
- Memahami keuntungan dan kekerangan Brand Leverage
- Memahami beberapa Strategy Brand Management
- Memahami Seven Deadly Sins of Brand Management
- Memahami Global Brands & Internet Brands
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
TRAINING FEE for Strategic Marketing
Rp 6.500.000,- / peserta /non recidential