TAG: classification

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Marine Surveyor
September 13, 2024
DESCRIPTION A Marine Surveyor or Ship Surveyor is a person who conducts inspections, surveys or examinations of marine vessels to assess, monitor and report on their condition and the products on them. Marine surveyors
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Transportation Dangerous Goods
January 20, 2024
DESKRIPSI Pelatihan ini dibuat untuk cargo acceptance staff, managers dan cargo specialist perusahaan penerbangan, pelayaran, cargo agents, courier, forwarders dan shippers guna pencerahan dan penambahan pengetahuan
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Online Training – Transportation Dangerous Goods
January 20, 2024
  DESKRIPSI Pelatihan ini dibuat untuk cargo acceptance staff, managers dan cargo specialist perusahaan penerbangan, pelayaran, cargo agents, courier, forwarders dan shippers guna pencerahan dan penambahan
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Asset Pilar Outage Management and WPC
November 9, 2023
  DESKRIPSI Sebuah organisasi berusaha untuk mengembangkan dan menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Aset yang sesuai dengan PAS 55 serta harus melakukan tinjauan manajemen saat ini, untuk membandingkan organisasi aset
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Online Training – Transportation of Dangerous Goods
September 18, 2023
  DESCRIPTION The transportation or transporting of Dangerous Goods is a complicated process. It is often taken for granted in the overall “safety training” discussion. Think about it this way; you offer or
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Compressor & Compression System
July 11, 2023
MATERI Training Compressor & Compression System  1. Fundamental of fluid mechanics and thermodynamic Properties of fluids Measurement unit Basic of fluids dynamic Energy losses in pipe installation The gas Laws
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Asset Manajemen Pilar Reliability
July 5, 2023
  DESKRIPSI Mengelola inventaris asset, pemeliharaan, kalibrasi, dan kinerja secara akurat bersama dengan menjaga riwayat biaya yang terperinci adalah beberapa aspek penting dari strategi asset yang sukses. Agar
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Online Training – Fundamental Machine Learning A-Z : Hands on Python & R in Data Science
February 15, 2023
DESKRIPSI This course has been designed by two professional Data Scientists so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn complex theory, algorithms, and coding libraries in a simple way. We will walk you
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Fundamental Machine Learning A-Z : Hands on Python & R in Data Science
February 15, 2023
DESKRIPSI This course has been designed by two professional Data Scientists so that we can share our knowledge and help you learn complex theory, algorithms, and coding libraries in a simple way. We will walk you
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Online Training – Marine Surveyor And Draught Survey
October 5, 2022
DESKRIPSI Marine Surveyor adalah orang yang melakukan pemeriksaan, survei atau pemeriksaan kapal laut untuk menilai, memantau dan melaporkan keadaannya. Marine Surveyor juga memeriksa peralatan yang ditujukan untuk