Talent And Assessment Level Top Management

Talent And Assessment Level Top Management

October 16, 2013

Jadwal Pelatihan Talent And Assessment Level Top Management

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

Instructor by : Syafarudin Alwi



Talent Management is an investment. Every company wants to have the best and brightest employees, and with Talent Management that can be achieved. The item that usually accounts for the highest cost for a company is its work force. With a company’s workforce being the highest cost to it, does it not make sense to invest in it? With Talent Management you are developing a more skilled workforce and attracting a higher caliber of new employee.

We all know that training and retraining costs money and Talent Management can reduce these costs. Recruiting the correct people, and keeping a talented workforce is a priority in today’s business environment. Having a talented group of employees has always been a key to success; it will translate into cost savings and higher productivity. Talent Management is the investment that will pay dividends over the course of its use.


OUTLINE MATERI Training Talent And Assessment Level Top Management

  1. Understanding talent management
  2. Understanding performance management
  3. Understanding succession planning
  4. Creating a talent management plan
  5. About competency based programs
  6. Identifying talent
  7. Bring on bench strength
  8. Conducting talent assessments to create a talent profile
  9. Keeping people interested
  10. Talent review meetings
  11. Show me the money
  12. Communicating with high potential
  13. Development strategis





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break



TRAINING FEE for Talent And Assessment Level Top Management

Rp 6.000.000,-/ peserta/ non recidential

Form Pre-Registrasi

Data Materi Training

Topik Training : Talent And Assessment Level Top Management
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*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan

Personal Data

*Nama Perusahaan
*Alamat Perusahaan
*Email Perusahaan
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* Harus di isi