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Instructor by : Andi Sularto
Course is designed to prepare individuals to analyze vibration related problems on rotating machinery. Since most of these problems are detected as a part of the predictive maintenance process, the course is approached from that prospective. Topics include a brief review of the fundamentals of vibration analysis and the procedures used to implement predictive maintenance on rotating machinery. A series of lectures and discussions, and problem solving sessions, enable participants to grasp the key elements of the analysis process.
This course is designed to assist participants to develop the skills required to analyze complex vibration problems on a wide array of rotating machinery. Students are exposed to the solution of many types of vibration problems through the use of “case history” examples
Presentation, Discussion, Practice, Case Study, Evaluation
Training Kit, Flash disk, Handout, Certificate, Lunch, 2 X Coffee Break, Souvenir
TRAINING FEE for Basic Vibration Analysis
Rp. 7.000.000,- / Participant / Non Residential
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Topik Training | : Basic Vibration Analysis |
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