Online Training – Engineering and Maintenance HMI berbasis Wonderware Intouch

Online Training – Engineering and Maintenance HMI berbasis Wonderware Intouch

September 26, 2020

Jadwal Pelatihan Online Training – Engineering and Maintenance HMI berbasis Wonderware Intouch

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Covers concept of interaction between machine and human, presentation of information, alarm, management of alarm, data trending. Provide human machine interface types and related hardware/software. Understands communication between Human Machine Interface (HMI) and PLC. Develop Human Machine Interface.



  • Understand the Concept of HMI
  • Understand the Concept of Anthropometry
  • Understand Alarm Management
  • Know Types of Data Presentation
  • Identify the Requirement for HMI Development
  • Use and Implement HMI
  • Understand HMI Operation
  • Implement HMI Design Management


OUTLINE MATERI Training Online – Engineering and Maintenance HMI berbasis Wonderware Intouch

  1. Introduction Human Machine Interface
  2. HMI Anthropometry
  3. Hardware HMI
  4. Software HMI
  5. Graphic Builder
  6. Tagname
  7. Animation Link
  8. Data Trending
  9. Alarm and Events
  10. Quick Script
  11. I/O Driver
  12. Security
  13. HMI Management
  14. OPC
  15. Programming HMI
  16. HMI-PLC Operation
  17. Study Case
  18. Laboratory Work
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