Online Training – Operation Maintenance and Inspection of Rotating Machinery

Online Training – Operation Maintenance and Inspection of Rotating Machinery

June 13, 2020

Jadwal Pelatihan Online Training – Operation Maintenance and Inspection of Rotating Machinery

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The Courses Outline the general technology of the machines and their auxiliaries. If covers how machine works on process, the machine aspects, wear and tear, lubrication and troubleshooting by vibration analysis and others techniques thus providing participants with the necessary knowledge for inspecting machinery and making a diagnosis.



Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain how to operate rotating machinery (pumps, compressors, steam turbines)
  2. Explain the key points for fluid flow and gas compression/expansion theory and practical applications
  3. List the key points for rotating machinery maintenance and inspection operations
  4. Explain how to achieve these operations
  5. List the main failure modes related to each here above listed rotating machinery
  6. Participate in the machinery reliability improvement process



1. Lubrication Systems Maintenance/Oil Analysis

  • Purpose, Different Types of Lubricants and Lube Systems
  • Lubrication Equipment Maintenance: Key Points
  • Oil Analysis, Reports, Case Studies

2. Bearings Maintenance

  • Antifriction Bearings: Clearances/Interferences Assessments and Checks, Assembly Procedures
  • Sleeve and Tilt Pad Journal and Thrust Bearings
  • Shaft Rotation in an Oil Bearing
  • Clearances Checks
  • Instrumentation Checks and Fitting Procedures

3. Couplings & Alignment

  • Different Types of Couplings and Related Problems
  • Various Alignment Methods, Tolerances

4. Rotor and Shafts

  • Balancing: API/ISO Definitions, Tolerances. Balancing Methods
  • Geometrical Shaft Checks

5. Rupture Modes

  • Rupture Mechanisms
  • Surface Damage
  • Fatigue, Wear and Tear, Rupture Face Analysis

6. Use Of Vibration Analysis

  • Different Types of Measurements and Sensors
  • Typology of Typical Defaults Affecting Rotating Machinery
  • Spectrum Analysis and Various Techniques for Diagnosis

7. Case Studies

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