Online Training – Permit To Work (PTW)

Online Training – Permit To Work (PTW)

November 26, 2020

Jadwal Pelatihan Online Training – Permit To Work (PTW)

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The Permit To Work system is essential for controlling certain types of work that are potentially hazardous. The permit specifies the work to be done, limitations, hazard identification, the precautions to be taken, protective equipment, authorization etc. Permit To Work (PTW) forms are issued for different activities, i.e. Entry into Confined Spaces, Working at Height, Hot Works etc. The issuing of a permit should be strictly controlled and should only be issued by competent authorized personnel, the permit must also meet the legal organizational requirements.

This training course will guide you through the relevant health and safety regulations and provide a practical experience of completing a permit to work form. This module works through the principles behind the Permit to Work system, providing examples of different types of permits and working through some of the general rules to be observed.



1. Understand the Importance of

  • Proper Definition of the Work-Scope and Method
  • The Identification of Hazards and Precautions Necessary to Mitigate them
  • The Responsibilities of yourself and others under the Permit to Work scheme

2. Acquire Knowledge and Understanding of Why Permits To Work should be Implemented

3. Understand the Legal Implications

4. Be Able to Interpret Information From a Work Permit

5. Understand the Duties Under the Permit To Work System

6. Be Able to Use a PTW System and Complete Relevant Documentation


OUTLINE MATERI Training Online – Permit To Work (PTW)

1. Introduction

  • Introduction to Course Objectives and Administrative Details

2. Legal Responsibilities

  • An Introduction to The Legal System, Including the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and DEPNAKERTRANS RI Relevant Regulations

3. Permit To Work (PTW) Key Players

  • An Examination of The Relationship Between Those Issuing Permits and Those Working Under PTW

4. PTW Documentation

  • A General Appraisal on The Formwork Used During PTW and the Importance of An Integrated Approach to PTW Use

5. Practical Application of PTW

  • A Practical Based Session Including the Filling in Signing and Completion of PTW

6. Final Questions

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