Petroleum Finance Accounting and Cost Accounting

Petroleum Finance Accounting and Cost Accounting

July 29, 2013

Jadwal Pelatihan Petroleum Finance Accounting and Cost Accounting

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Making the most efficient use of your financial resources is critical to the success of any producing company. Finance and accounting comprise the universal business language and help you manage your resources effectively. Planning and decision – making that occur in an informal financial context permit better application of recourse and promote competitive advantage. The aim of this course is to improve delegates’ job performance by enhancing their understanding of current international practices in finance and accounting within the E&P industry. This is achieved through an examination of: accounting standards, policies and practices in the oil and gas. An understanding of accounting also allows a company to trace a competitor’s actions from its financial statement and to plan accordingly. These concepts will be presented and reinforced using relevant examples and case studies. Participants are encouraged to bring their company’s financial reports.



  • To Learn Basic of Technical Economics.
  • To give comprehension of general management in oil field.
  • To find out and analyze design in Work Program and Budget of oil company.
  • Calculation and analysis of field profit determination.



  • Reservoir Engineer
  • Production Engineer
  • Production Supervisor
  • Economist and Accounting
  • POD division



  • Overview of Petroleum Finance, Accounting and Cost Control.
    • Methods to measure profit indicators.
    • Determining choices from alternatives.
    • Cost Analysis.
    • Cost structure for Tax Calculation.
    • Oil, Gas, and Energy prices.
  • Oil company business contract model in Indonesia.
  • Basic Reservoir Engineering.
  • Work Program and Budget.
  • General POD and AFE.
  • Government Tax and Non-Tax Revenue.
  • Determining Oil and Gas process.
  • Oil and Gas company management.
  • Risk and Sensitivity Analysis management.



Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation



Training Kit, Flash disc, Handout, Certificate, Lunch, 2 X Coffee Break, Souvenir


TRAINING FEE for Petroleum Finance Accounting and Cost Accounting

Rp. 6.500.000,- /Peserta /Non Recidential


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