Programmable Logic Controller (Siemens Win CC)

Programmable Logic Controller (Siemens Win CC)

April 1, 2014

Jadwal Pelatihan Programmable Logic Controller (Siemens Win CC)

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MATERI Training Programmable Logic Controller (Siemens Win CC)

1. Windows & SCADA terminology & Standards

  • Graphical displays the following items will be covered standard & graphics
  • Objects, buttons & Sliders
  • Check & radio boxes
  • Display & application windows
  • OLE objects active controls
  • Input & output fields
  • Text Lists
  • Bar charts
  • Status displays collective displays

2. To Deveope an Understanding of drivers & data transfers between S7 & S5

3. Adding & amending alarms including creation storage & archive

4. Message Structure & massage text

5. Adding & Amending real time trending & displaying archiving

6. Reporting – Archived data can be reported to paper

7. Introduction to VBA to customize the project



Programer , Commissioning personel, services & maintenance staf that need to extend their on basic S7 programing, Electronics, Electrical or Instrumentation engineers who wish to take up a career in Industrial automation and Control



Presentation, Discussion, Simulation, Case Study, Evaluation



Training Kit, Flash Disc, Handout, Certificate, Lunch, 2 X Coffee Break, Souvenir


TRAINING FEE for Programmable Logic Controller (Siemens Win CC)

Rp 7.500.000,- / participant / NON residential

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