Rotating Equipment : Maintenance and Optimal Performance

Rotating Equipment : Maintenance and Optimal Performance

February 26, 2015

Jadwal Pelatihan Rotating Equipment : Maintenance and Optimal Performance

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Instructor by : Gregorius Harjanto



Reliable operation of the rotating equipment in any plant is its lifeblood. Engineers must have an integrated viewpoint focusing on it through design, operation and maintenance.  This training comprehensively presents from such an integrated viewpoint state-0f-the-art techniques and methodologies for improving reliability of rotating equipment. Topics include maintenance philosophies and strategies, their relationships to each other, and their effective application; machinery condition monitoring; machinery condition assessment and asset management; effective fault diagnosis techniques; failure mode and causal analysis; life-cycle strategies to promote increased reliability; reliability improvement program development and implementation including structure and personnelconsiderations; and business ramifications of reliability improvement. The course will comprise lectures and workshop to maximize your benefits. Additionally, an optional “Question and Answer” period is included to provide you with opportunity to get expert answers on your specific questions.



  • Understand the functions and general characteristics of rotating equipments
  • Be able to evaluate the performance of rotating equipments
  • Understand the  classification and the performance characteristics of pumps, compressors, turbines and fans/blowers.
  • Be able to identify the anomalies and the failure modes of rotating equipments
  • Be able to conduct alignment of axles
  • Obtain skills to implement predictive maintenance for rotating equipments.



1. Definition of Rotating Equipment, types, functions and general characteristics

2. Rotating Machinery Failures Causes

  • Financial impact of downtime
  • Understanding risk and consequence
  • Preventing defects and failure
  • Know The Process, Physical, Chemical Properties & Characteristics

3. Supporting Structure, Foundations, Strength, Rigidity

4. Fatigue And Failure Modes

5. Bearing Failures

6. Precision Maintenance for Rotating Equipment

7. Balanced Shafts, Balancing Standards

8. Shaft Alignment

9. Rotating Equipment Vibration

10. Lifting Maintenance Performance

11. Measuring maintenance outcomes and KPI’s

12. Maintenance Quality Systems for RAMS

13. Using visual management to control performance

14. Optimizing Reliability – Fundamentals of Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance for the following quipment :

15. Rotors

  • Roller and hydrodynamic bearings
  • Pump and compressor seal systems (liquid and dry/gas)
  • Couplings
  • Lube systems (for pumps, compressors, steam turbines and gears)

16. Condition Monitoring Methods For Rotating Equipment

17. Tribology and lubrication analysis

18. Thermography

19. Rotating equipment non-destructive testing

20. Operating performance monitoring

21. Bearing Vibration Analysis

22. Maintenance Strategy Mix

23. The PM – PdM – Breakdown mix

24. Total Productive Maintenance

25. Operator driven reliability



  • Engineers / Equipment’s Operators
  • Maintenance / technicians
  • Quality Control engineers
  • Production & Manufacturing / Engineer
  • Professionals





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick up participants


TRAINING FEE for Rotating Equipment : Maintenance and Optimal Performance

Rp7.500.000,-/peserta/non recidential

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