TAG: Environmental Management System

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Project Construction Management
September 20, 2022
  DESCRIPTION Construction management are needed to ensure the construction project completed at the minimum cost and at due date. Construction management role is to ensure the coordinating and communication
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Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan dan Penanganan Limbah B3
August 27, 2018
OVERVIEW Kepedulian pada pemeliharaan dan peningkatan kualitas lingkungan dan perlindungan terhadap kesehatan manusia, telah menyebabkan organisasi atau perusahaan lebih memperhatikan potensi dampak lingkungan yang ada
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Construction Management
January 16, 2018
DESCRIPTION Construction management are needed to ensure the construction project completed at the minimum cost and at due date. Construction management role is to ensure the coordinating and communication between all
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Hazardous Waste Management Handling Disposal
November 17, 2015
DESCRIPTION  The waste procedure is responsible for contamination arising from waste, and there is specific legislation. Relating to environmental management and waste management, and hazardous waste management. Waste
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Work Planning Control
March 10, 2015
Instructor by : Syafaruddin Alwi    OBJECTIVE The purpose of work planning and control (WPC) is to ensure adequate protection of workers, the public, and the environment, which would otherwise be put at risk by