TAG: Voltage

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Online Training – Economic Dispatch
October 17, 2023
DESCRIPTION The operation of a power plant is highly dependent on fuel, thus it needs special attention, because most of the operating costs incurred are for fuel purposes. The fuel cost of a generation unit is a
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Automatic Voltage Regulator/AVR (System Excitation, Synchronous Generator, Protection Generator and Generator Control)
October 12, 2022
OBJECTIVE Mempelajari dasar dari sistem AVR dan Generator Mempelajari desain dan sistem AVR (sistem analog dan digital control) Mempelajari sistem kontrol AVR dengan PLC dan DCS Memahami sistem troubleshoot kerusakan
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Online Training – Automatic Voltage Regulator/AVR (System Excitation, Synchronous Generator, Protection Generator and Generator Control)
September 19, 2022
OBJECTIVE Mempelajari dasar dari sistem AVR dan Generator Mempelajari desain dan sistem AVR (sistem analog dan digital control) Mempelajari sistem kontrol AVR dengan PLC dan DCS Memahami sistem troubleshoot kerusakan
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Economic Dispatch
September 2, 2022
DESCRIPTION The operation of a power plant is highly dependent on fuel, thus it needs special attention, because most of the operating costs incurred are for fuel purposes. The fuel cost of a generation unit is a
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High Voltage Electrical Equipment
March 18, 2022
DESCRIPTION Masalah tegangan tinggi yang diakibatkan oleh petir harus mendapatkan penanganan khusus di industri atau perusahaan. Gagalnya sistem proteksi tegangan tinggi akan menyebabkan kerusakan pada berbagai
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Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
February 4, 2020
DESCRIPTION Program pelatihan ini memberikan pengetahuan mendasar prinsip kerja dan pemeliharaan Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR). Dijelaskan pula dasar pemilihan tipe, jenis, unjuk kerja, cara pengoperasian AVR,
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Basic Electronic
July 13, 2019
COURSE REVIEW This hands-on Basic Industrial Electronics training seminar is designed as a beginning level electronics course which will provide an understanding of basic electronic circuitry and discrete electronic
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Electrical Safety and Measurement
March 6, 2019
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN What Electrical Power Can Do to a DMM Common Safety Hazards Leading Safety Standards Organizations NFPA and IEC Safety Standards Arc Blast Meter Safety Inspection Meter Safety Check List  
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Basic Electrical
June 20, 2015
Instructor by : Tugino   DESKRIPSI Dunia perindustrian tentunya tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kebutuhan akan daya listrik sebagai salah satu sumber energy  untuk menjalankan system manufakur didalamnya. Daya listrik
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Basic Electrical
June 12, 2015
Instructor by : Tugino    DESKRIPSI Dunia perindustrian tentunya tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kebutuhannya akan daya listrik sebagai salah satu sumber energy berjalannya system manufakur didalamnya. Daya listrik