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Accident and Incident Investigation
February 9, 2019
Jadwal Pelatihan Accident and Incident Investigation
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The course is designed to give delegates an appreciation of the importance and value of learning from accidents and incidents, and to give delegates the knowledge and skills required to investigate such events and successfully identify and address the root causes thereby reducing the risk from further events.
To help address these issues, this Course is designed to present the fundamental information in these areas. Upon completion of the Course, employees should:
- Understand the goals of an Accident Investigation, and how it can prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future.
- Be able to help to secure an accident scene, and understand why it is important to preserve the physical evidence.
- Be able to apply “Root Cause Analysis” to an Accident Investigation, examining the chain of events that led to the accident.
- Understand why complete and thorough interviews are an important part of an Accident Investigation, and how employees can help in this process.
- Understand why it is vital that all employees assist in an Accident Investigation.
- Be able to effectively report “close calls” and “near misses”.
- Understand the role of policies, equipment and training in an Accident Prevention Plan.
1. Perform Accident Trend Analysis
- Identify top cost and severity contributors
- Identify top frequency causes
- Create reduction targets
2. Examine Current Accident Investigation Process
- Are investigations conducted?
- Are corrective actions recommended?
- Identify areas for improvement or upgrade or establish the basis for initiation of accident investigations
3. Determine Desired Outcomes
- Accident investigations determine how and why failures occur
- Use information gained to help prevent a similar or perhaps a more serious accident from occurring
- Identification of root cause
- Exposure of errors in the process that may have contributed to the accident
- Provide basis for elimination of identified hazards
- Decrease accident rates and workers/compensation costs
- Provide information for correction of unsafe acts or unsafe conditions
- Make clearly articulated recommendations for prevention of future accidents
4. Prepare Training Program for Identified Investigators
- How to identify root causes
- What are at risk behaviors
- How to identify workplace deficiencies
- Identification of short-cuts or deviations from established procedures
- Rule and/or Policy enforcement
- Interviewing skills (who, what, where, when, why and how)
- Who was involved or contributed to the accident?
- Who witnessed the accident?
- What actions and/or conditions led up to the accident?
- Where did the accident happen?
- Why did the accident happen?
- When did the accident happen?
5. Corrective Action Process
- Establish and explain the corrective action process
- Establish safety rules and policies and train the investigators
- Determine if you wish to have a return to work program and train your investigators in how the program works
This course provides the practical skills required by anyone who is involved in accident or incident investigation at work.
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
TRAINING FEE for Accident and Incident Investigation
Rp6.500.000,-/Peserta/Non Residential
Minimal running 4 peserta