Home » Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)/(System Excitation, Synchronous Generator, Protection Generator and Generator Control)
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)/(System Excitation, Synchronous Generator, Protection Generator and Generator Control)
September 30, 2013
Jadwal Pelatihan Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)/(System Excitation, Synchronous Generator, Protection Generator and Generator Control)
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Instructor by: Tugino, ST MT
- Mempelajari dasar dari sistem AVR dan Generator
- Mempelajari Desain dan Sistem AVR sistem analog dan Digital control
- Mempelajari Sistem kontrol AVR dengan PLC dan DCS
- Memahami sistem troubleshoot kerusakan pada AVR dan cara mengantisipasinya
- Mempelajari sistem pemeliharaan dan perawatan AVR
Pelatihan ini di peruntukkan bagi teknisi, supervisor, technical support dan yang bertanggung jawab terhadap Power generator system dan AVR. Dan akan memberikan suatu nilai tambah yang besar bagi perusahaan.
- Excitation Systems: Principal Controls of a generating unit.
- Arrangement of excitation components
- Requirements of excitation systems: Classification of excitation systems.
- Configuration of DC excitation system with main and pilot exciters.
- Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR): Solid state automatic voltage regulator scheme.
- Thyristor converter and AVR protection.
- Static thyristor rectifier schemes.
- AC Separately Excitation Systems
- Brushless Excitation Systems:
- Control, protection and monitoring of Brushless excitation system.
- Introduction to Digital AVR.
- Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) control using PLC/DCS
- Interconection control of AVR to DCS
- Troubleshoot of AVR problem
- Maintenance of AVR of Generator
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Simulation (using DCS/PLC)
- Animation
- Video
- Case Study
- Evaluation
Training Kit
2 X Coffee Break
TRAINING FEE for Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)/(System Excitation, Synchronous Generator, Protection Generator and Generator Control)
Rp. 6.500.000,- / Participant / Non residential