Coal Quality and Stockpile Management

Coal Quality and Stockpile Management

April 30, 2015

Jadwal Pelatihan Coal Quality and Stockpile Management

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Instructor by : Slamet Suprapto 



Coal Quality Control is part of a process chain that has to be maintained properly to ensure customer satisfaction in terms of, product quantity, quality and adherence to delivery dates.  In today competitive environment, strict quality control was required to ensure the sustainability of Mine Operation with good sales opportunity, strong coal prices bargaining and impact of penalties. To comply with these requirements, a proper management of quality control is essential to ensure level of out of spec product is within acceptable limit and minimized as low as possible. Coal Quality and Stockpile Management Strategy need to be developed and optimized to maintain sustain operation with acceptable resource and budget



  • coal quality from both producer and a marketing perspective
  • coal quality and its market placement implications
  • Provides linkage from technical to commercial value creation
  • ‘must haves’ from mine site operators through to technical marketing and commercial management
  • Tailored programs readily available to allow integration to clients’ staff development programs
  • Stockpile managed based on coal origin and seams (mine)
  • Receipt of cargo per specification
  • Coal quality (pre shipment data)
  • Inbound tonnage (weigh bridge)
  • Quantity / Inventory management
  • Tonnage reconciliation
  • Local solutions and management of local labour
  • Daily report





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break



TRAINING FEE for Coal Quality and Stockpile Management

Rp. 7.000.000,- / Participant / Non residential

minimal 4 orang peserta

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