Home » Emergency Generator System
Emergency Generator System
February 27, 2014
Jadwal Pelatihan Emergency Generator System
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Instructor by : Drs. Ir. Hasan Surya, MT.
- Specific requirements and recommendations for the installation, operation and maintenance of onsite generation systems.
- Where to find critical information from professional sources such as the EGSA, IEEE, NFPA, NECA and NETA.
- What backup system and emergency plan is best suited for your facility.
- How to read and understand vendor drawings and technical information.
- How and when to successfully test onsite generator equipment.
- How to work with parallel energy sources.
- Synchronizing procedures and load sharing.
- How to troubleshoot using a logical, systematic approach to isolate and repair generator problems.
1. Generators and Prime Movers
- Overview: Generator Purpose, Operation and Control.
- Types of Prime Movers.
- Generator Basic Electrical Fundamentals.
- Generator Types and Construction.
- Grounding and Bonding of Generator Systems.
- UPS System Fundamentals.
2. Protection and Transfer of Electrical Power
- Circuit Breakers.
- Switchgear.
- Transfer Switches.
- Parallel Operation.
3. Generator and Engine Controls
- Governors.
- Voltage Regulators.
- Engine Protection.
- Onsite Generator Controls including PLCs and SCADA Systems.
4. Auxiliary Systems
- Fuel Systems; Cooling Systems.
- Exhaust Systems; Vibration Attenuation.
- Sound Attenuation; Engine Starting Systems.
- Load Banks; Emissions Control.
5. Generator Applications
- Cogeneration.
- Emergency Power Systems.
- Legally Required Standby Systems.
- Optional Standby Systems.
6. Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Onsite Power Generation Systems
- Developing a Logical Systematic Approach to Troubleshooting
- Common Generator Problems
- Recommended Generator Maintenance Practices
- Electrical Testing of Generators
Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation
Training Kit, Handout, Certificate, 1 X Lunch , 2 X Coffee Break, Souvenir, Pick Up Participant
TRAINING FEE for Emergency Generator System
Rp. 7.000.000,- / participant / non residential