Instrument Design Installation And Maintenance

Instrument Design Installation And Maintenance

July 3, 2014

Jadwal Pelatihan Instrument Design Installation And Maintenance

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Instructor by : Tugino, ST., MT



Control techniques are discussed, and interface methods between instrumentation and the control system is discussed. System design, including details of the various types of instrument related drawings, is covered extensively. Instrument Data Sheets are covered, including the reasons for each of the fields in the sheets. Important items to consider when developing contracts for design, installation, calibration and maintenance of instrumentation systems, are discussed. Recommendations, based on the instructor’s experiences, will be presented for discussion. Pre-Instruction Exercises, daily written exercises, and a Post-Instruction Exercise, will be used to monitor if the information is being presented effectively.



1. Introduction of presenter and attendees
2. Pre instruction exercise
3. Outline of the course

    1. Introduction of concepts, Definitions
    2. Tank Example, Manual Control, Feedback, Deadtime
    3. Involvement of Process Eng, Instrument Eng, Mech. Eng, Project Eng
    4. Types of Process Measurements
    5. Technologies of Measurement
    6. Control Devices are also involved in instrumentation
    7. Importance of Documentation, Design and As Built
    8. Types of Documentation
    9. Installation and Calibration of Instruments and Systems
    10. Maintenance of Instrument and Control Systems
    11. Control Systems, Safety Shutdown Systems, Fire and Gas Systems

4. Process Measurements for control – various process equipment considered
5. Technologies available for instrumentation, advantages and disadvantages
6. Isolation of instrument from process and environment – Standards
7. Communication between instrument (or valve) and Control System – Protocols
8. Advantages of Digital Communication – Asset Management
9. Distributed Control Systems and Control Rooms
10. Control Valves, Pressure Safety Valves, Shut Down Valves and monitoring them
11. The Design Process

    1. Project Eng, Process Eng, Mgmt – Process Flow Drawing – Symbols
    2. Process Eng, Instrument Eng, Mech. Eng – P&ID
    3. Symbols Used
    4. HAZOP
    5. SIL Evaluation
    6. Corporate Standards – Basis of Instrument Selection
    7. Instrumentation Index
    8. Instrument Data Sheets
    9. Installation Drawings
    10. Instrument Location Drawings
    11. Wiring Drawings
    12. Panel Layout and Connection Drawings
    13. Loop Diagrams
    14. Logic Diagrams
    15. Squad Checks and Sign Offs

12. Document Control and Management of Change
13. Instrument Purchase and Receiving
14. Installation of Instruments
15. Calibration, Loop Checkout and Documentation

    1. Co-ordination with Electrical Cable Installation
    2. Co-ordination with delivery of DCS/SIS/Electric Power

16. DCS Factory Acceptance Tests, Site Acceptance Tests
17. SIS Factory Acceptance Tests, Site Acceptance Tests
18. System Integration Functional Tests
19. Maintenance schedules for control instrumentation
20. Maintenance schedules for Safety equipment
21. Documentation of Incidents – effects on maintenance
22. Design for maintenance, equipment selection, bypasses
23. Contract considerations for Installation, Calibration and Maintenance
24. Post-Instructional Exercise
25. Discussion and Questions



  • Presentation
  • Discussion
  • Case Study
  • Evaluation



  • Training Kit
  • Handout
  • Certificate
  • Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
  • Souvenir
  • Pick up Participant


TRAINING FEE for Instrument Design Installation And Maintenance

Rp. 7.500.000,- /peserta /non recidential

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