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Manajemen Keuangan dan Anggaran Perusahaan
September 13, 2022
Jadwal Pelatihan Manajemen Keuangan dan Anggaran Perusahaan
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Manajemen Keuangan adalah satu subsistem yang sangat penting dalam kegiatan di perusahaan. Karena itu para eksekutif yang kegiatannya memiliki hubungan erat dengan proses keuangan perusahaan perlu memiliki pemahaman tentang manajemen keuangan. Bagaimana sistem yang ada dalam mengelola keuangan sehingga dapat memberikan manfaat berupa:
- Memahami laporan-laporan keuangan
- Mengukur likuiditas sebuah usaha
- Menganalisis profitabilitas usaha
- Membuat anggaran
- Mengukur produktivitas
- Menghitung Return On Investment (ROI)
- Menghitung biaya kapital
- Menghitung nilai sebuah usaha
Training ini memuat dasar-dasar dan contoh aplikasi manajemen keuangan. Topik pembahasan meliputi pengenalan dan dasar manajemen keuangan. Di samping itu topik pembahasannya meliputi keputusan modal kerja, yang meliputi keputusan manajemen kas, manajemen piutang dan manajemen persediaan. Program training ini didesain untuk membantu peserta mempelajari dasar-dasar keuangan sehingga peserta dapat mengimplementasikan di pekerjaan sehari-hari.
MATERI Training Manajemen Keuangan dan Anggaran Perusahaan
1. Aims and Function of Finance
- Introduction
- Finance Function: Importance
- Concept of Financial Management
- Nature of Financial Management
- Scope of Financial Management
- Aims of Finance Function
- Function of Finance
- Inter Relationship of Finance Functions or Decision
- Liquidity vs Profitability (Risk-Return Trade-off)
- Role of Finance Manager
2. Objectives of Financial Management
- Introduction
- Characteristic of a Good Operational Decision Criterion
- Objectives of Financial Management
- Wealth Maximization
- Criticism of Wealth Maximization
- Superiority of Wealth Maximization Compared to Profit Maximization
- Other Objectives of Financial Management
- Conflict of Goal
3. Financial Ratio Analysis
- Introduction
- Users of Financial Analysis
- Types of Financial Analysis
- Standards of Comparison
- Types of Ratios
- Different Terms in Ratio Analysis
- Liquidity Ratios
- Leverage Ratios
- Activity Ratios
- Profitability Ratios
- Trading on Equity
- Limitations of Ratio Analysis
- Relevance of Ratio Analysis for Predicting Future
- Common Size Statement (CSS)
- Summary of Ratios and their Purpose
4. Sources and Application of Found
- Need of Funds Flow Statement
- Concept of Funds
- Meaning of Flow of Funds
- Objectives of Funds Flow Statement
- Utility of Funds Flow Statement to Different Parties
- Sources of Funds
- Is Depreciation a Sources of Funds?
- Application or Uses of Funds
- Procedure for Knowing Whether a Transaction Finds a Place in Funds Flow Statement
- Preparation of Funds Flow Statement
- Income Statement and Balance Sheet Funds Flow Statements
- Limitations of Funds Flow
5. Time Value of Money
- Concept of Rime Value of Money
- Money Has Time Value
- Importance of Time Value of Money in Financial Management
- Techniques of Time Value of Money
- Compounding Technique
- Annuity
- Sinking Fund
- Compound Value of an Annuity Due
- Difference Between Annuity and Annuity Due
- Doubling Period
- Effective Rate of Interest in case of Multi-Period Compounding
- Present Value of a Perpetuity or Infinite Life Annuity
- Discounting or Present Value Technique
- Series of Cash Flows
- Present Value of Series of Cash Flows
- Future Value of Series of Cash Flows
6. Investment and Capital Structure Decisions
- Introduction
- Capitalization, Capital Structure and Financial Structure
- Forms or Pattern or Capital Structure
- Importance of Capital Structure
7. Methods of Capital Budgeting
- Introduction
- Definition and Meaning of Capital Budgeting
- Need and Importance of Capital Budgeting
- Types of Investment Decisions
- Investment Evaluation Criteria
- Capital Budgeting or Investment Techniques
- Net Present Value Method
- Internal Rate of Return Method
- NPV versus IRR
- Pay Back Method
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant (Yogyakarta)