Oil And Gas Quantity Accounting Sistem

Oil And Gas Quantity Accounting Sistem

September 28, 2013

Jadwal Pelatihan Oil And Gas Quantity Accounting Sistem

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

Instructor by: Assegaf Afianto



In the Oil and Gas Industries, one of important activities is “To Measure, To Calculate and To Make a report of the Final Quantity and Quality Crude Oil, Gas Produced, Remaining Stock at the Storage Tank or Floating Storage”, The Quantity of Crude Oil & Gas delivered for Sales or Transfer to the next handling entity must meet the standard condition of legitimate and formal matters within interrelated company.

To avoid big losses of Crude Oil & Gas, remaining stock and sales poured forth should be done using a standards form, after Crude Oil & Gas has been Separated and Storage.

Therefore in this course we will highlight this matter to brain storm all participants, referring Government regulations, BPMIGAS procedures, International standard (ASTM-IP, AGA) to meet international Oil Company Standard, and rule & Regulations.

The course also explains about how to calculate entitlement based on PSC Contract and how to nominate and lift the entitlement from the Terminal, base on off take Procedure.


MATERI Training Oil And Gas Quantity Accounting Sistem 

1. Production Operation and Lifting

  • To understand basic philosophies how to carry out Crude Oil Production from the producing well until point of delivery to the third parties, in order to have knowledge for the activities of production operations relationships to the Quantity Accounting System activities, consist of:
  • Monitoring Well Production, individual Well Test method and well potential calculation procedure.
  • To brief Flow of Production System from Production Well Head until the point of transfer to third parties.
  • Separation Process between Oil, Water and Gas at each Block Station or Gathering Station and function of each equipment.
  • Crude Oil Delivery Process Procedure to third parties

2.   Production, Stock and Lifting Reporting System

  • To understand about Oil and Gas Reporting System that must be prepare by K3S comply with a requested by Stake Holder and Management consist of Total Production, Stock and Lifting, include:
  • Reporting of Individual Well Potential production
  • Reporting of Crude Oil Production, Stock, Lifting / Distribution and losses at “Crude Oil Production Reconciliation”.
  • Reporting of Gas Production:  “Gas Production and Distribution Report”

3.  Standard Measurement and Calculation Of Oil Production and Lifting With Static System Methode

  • To give understanding and explanation Procedure measurement and calculation of crude oil in the storage tank, where apply for calculate total production, lifting and stock of crude oil, consist of:
  • Level and temperature measurement of fluid in the storage tank.
  • Crude Oil Sample taking from inside the tank.
  • Laboratory analysis to determine of Density/Specific Gravity/API Gravity and BS&W content of the Crude Oil.
  • Crude Oil Stock Calculation consists of: Step of Crude Oil Stock Calculation, Reading of Tank Table, and Reading of ASTM – IP Table.

4.  Standard Measurement and Calculation Of Oil Production and Lifting With Dynamic System Methode

  • To understanding the Procedure of measurement and calculation total crude oil where flow through the pipe line By Flow Meter (dynamic measurement), consist of:
  • Explanation working system of flow meter process (PD Meter).
  • Procedure of how to prove Metering System by Proper Meter.
  • Calculation of measurement result by manual system.
  • Standard Gas Measurement system by Orifice Meter and Gas Heating Value Calculation.

5.  Loss Analysis

  • To give knowledge about losses and gain in the production operation process, storage handling and transfer crude oil and gas; to prepare reporting system and how to claim if discrepancies occurs  in the transferring process in the point of sales more than tolerable losses, consist of.
  • Clarification and discussion about Losses and Gain during production process, Crude Oil storage handling, Gas handling, Transfer of crude oil and gas.
  • Reporting system of the “Oil and Gas Losses”.
  • Loss Management that will give solution how to reduce losses where losses more then tolerable from time to time and evaluate causes of losses, gain and shrinkage.

6. Offtake Procedure, Entitlement Calculation and Over (Under) Lifting Monitor

  • To learn how to calculate Entitlement each Parties in the Production Sharing Contract,
  • Prepare the Lifting and Pumping Monitoring base on BPMIGAS Standard Report.
  • Nomination procedure.



This Course should be attend and useful for Supervisor and Staff  who responsible the process and measurement  production, transfer and lifting at block station and terminal and also Staff who is in charge handling Crude Oil Accounting and Shipping activities and staff who handling Over (Under) Lifting Monitor and evaluation of nomination.





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up Participant


TRAINING FEE for Oil And Gas Quantity Accounting Sistem

Rp. 7.500.000, – / peserta / non recidential

Minimal 4 orang peserta

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