Home » Pipe Stress Analysis Using Caesar II
Pipe Stress Analysis Using Caesar II
August 7, 2024
Jadwal Pelatihan Pipe Stress Analysis Using Caesar II
Tanggal | Tempat | Kota | 12 - 13 Agustus 2024 | Golden Flower Hotel | Bandung |
06 - 07 Agustus 2024 | Loman Park Hotel | Yogyakarta |
Pipe stress analysis merupakan bagian penting dalam perencanaan sebuah instalasi pengeboran minyak/Petrochemical Plant. Pipe Stress Analysis dilakukan untuk menganalisa sistem perpipaan dari sisi code stress compliance, defleksi serta loading yang terjadi sehingga menghasilkan sebuah sistem perpipaan yang aman dan memenuhi allowable loading pada koneksi dengan equipment. Piping stress analysis adalah suatu cara perhitungan tegangan (stress) pada pipa yang diakibatkan oleh beban statis dan beban dinamis yang merupakan efek resultan dari gaya gravitasi, perubahaan temperature, tekanan di dalam dan di luar pipa, perubahan jumlah debit fluida yang mengalir di dalam pipa dan pengaruh gaya seismic.
- To learn the piping Codes, Standard and Regulations
- To learn Technical Piping Documentation
- To learn piping design loads and be able to conduct stress analysis
- To understand the ANSI Piping Codes and ASME Codes
- To learn piping support analysis & design
- To utilize software Caesar II to conduct static and dynamic stress calculation, including expansion, bend, flange, and other equipment
- Piping Engineers
- Piping Designer
- Mechanical Engineers
- Maintenance Engineers and supervisors
- Service Engineers and supervisors
- Work over engineers and supervisors
- Plant Engineers
- Petroleum Engineers
Basic Theory
- Basic Stress Theory
- Piping Systems: Codes, Standards and Regulations
- Piping Design Loads
- Pipe Stress Requirement
- ANSI Piping Codes and ASME Codes
- Pipe Support Systems
Using Caesar II
- Main Menu
- Modeling Approach
- Static Analysis
- Dynamics Analysis
- Structural and Buried Pipeline
- Output Processing
Piping & Pipeline Materials, Standards and Codes
- Steel Materials for Piping & Pipeline
- Metallic Materials for Valves, Flanges and Fittings
- Piping Manufacturing Methods and Variation of Products
- Oil & Gas Pipeline Related Standards and Codes
- API 5L Line Pipe Specifications
Pipeline Operation Principles
- Piping & Pipeline Layout, Topography and Configuration
- Principles of Fluid Flow and Practical Flow Equation
- Multi-phase and Single-phase Oil & Gas Transportation/Transmission Practice
- Pump Operation in Oil and Water Pipeline system
- Compressor Operation in Gas Pipeline system
Pipeline Construction and Installation
- Choice of Design Procedure
- Stress Computation Methods in Design and Construction
- Pipeline Concrete Coating Parameters
- Hydrostatic Testing Requirements
- Construction/Installation Material Requirements
Pipeline Maintenance and Pigging Operation
- Potential Operating Problems and Maintenance of Pipeline Systems
- Inspection Techniques for Potential Failures and Wall Thickness & MAWP Reduction
- Pipeline Cleaning and Pigging Operations
- Pipeline Internal Maintenance and Chemical Injection
- Pipeline External Maintenance and the Cathodic Protection
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
Pick up Participant (Jogja ONLY)