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Instructor by : Djanuar Eko dan Tim
Strategic business analysis is about understanding of a business’s position and the influence of external factors as well as internal factors on the business. It then requires evaluation of the options for creating shareholder value and analysis of the impact of those options on the business. Good business strategists start with an understanding of the vision and the position of business given this vision, using financial analysis. A good strategist therefore must have a strong foundation in financial analysis.
The objectives of this training are to equip participants with the knowledge required to apply the latest financial analysis and forecasting techniques to business strategy analysis and decision making. Participants will learn to: Identify and evaluate key business and environmental risks Perform advanced company analysis including cashflow and shareholder value analysis Assess business performance through the analysis of financial statements Perform an appraisal of a company’s strategy and develop alternative strategic options.
1. Business Analysis And Appraisal Of Strategic Direction
Back to basics, Review conventional approaches to analysis, Examine components involved in comprehensive business evaluation, Establish the key drivers, both external and internal, which create the business strategy and recognise the effects on cycles for different industries.
2. Environmental Analysis
3. Examine the key risk areas today
Social, Political, Economic, Technological, Authority, Terrorism, Ecology, Competitor Analysis
4. Industry Audit
Evaluating the key factors, which drive an industry, Recognising strategic groups, Adopting the correct strategy given the strategic grouping, Examine the key success factors for an industry
5. Life Cycles
Regeneration, Linkage with the environment and economic cyclesPorter’s Five Forces
6. The importance of using the forces in an analytical environment
What makes a “good” industry, What makes a “difficult” industry determinants, Asset structures, Margins, Funding sources
7. The Corporate-Overview
Consider the internal and external pressure on a business, Recognise the importance of vision and leadership, Leadership, The world turned upside down, Visions and missions, Styles
8. Information Needs
How to get & manage the information you need to make a constructive analysis, Sources, SWOT analysis
9. Analysing Financial Statements
10. Profit analysis – the essentials
Examining the profit & loss account (income statement), What is profit?, Manipulating profit to the detriment of the balance sheet, Improving the quality of published financial statements, Analysis of business unit performance, Asset and financing structures, Importance of cash and cash flow, Relationship between profit and cash, Preparing and using cash flow statement & analysis to identify a company’s position, Cash generators & cash uses
11. Analysing, Interpreting And Evaluation Company Reports
The importance of working capital management, Credit analysis, Trends in performance indicators, Predicting risk of default or bankruptcy
12. Financial Analysis – A Managerial Perspective Of Value Based Management
Cost-volume-profit analysis, break-even points, and margins of safety, Cost determination, Efficiency, Perspective – Strategic position and action evaluation, Indicators, Direction, Past, Present, Future
13. Structured Risk Analysis And Forecasting Financial Statements
14. Risk analysis
Environment, Industry, Management, Business, Financial, Cash flow
Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
TRAINING FEE for Strategic Business and Financial Analysis
Rp.6.500.000, – / peserta / non recidential
Minimal running 5 orang
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