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Instructor by : Fauzan Asmara
Conflicts can be hard and unavoidable, but it can be managed or minimized. We get so emotional that sometimes we feel we can’t take it at all. Do you know anyone who is good at conflict management? Do you admire them? Do you envy them? Not so surprisingly most people want to avoid conflicts altogether. Many get so emotional that they feel they can’t even say a single word. Others may rely on a simple age-old technique of silence treatment, which doesn’t really do them or others any good. The systematic design of this course facilitates understanding conflict, detecting signs of conflict escalation, responding to such signs with appropriate action and finally using effective techniques to resolve the conflict.
This course focuses on positive and productive aspects of conflicts and explains how we can benefit from situations which are often perceived as negative and destructive. Conflicts, if managed correctly, increase understanding and wisdom.
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
Topic 1 (Anatomy of Conflicts)
Topic 2 (Handling Conflicts)
Topic 3 (Managing Emotions)
Topic 4 (Conflict Resolver)
Topic 5 (Negotiation)
Presentation Discussion
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant
TRAINING FEE for Conflict Management
Rp 6.000.000, – / peserta / non recidential
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Topik Training | : Conflict Management |
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