Maintenance Planning And Work Control

Maintenance Planning And Work Control

September 30, 2013

Jadwal Pelatihan Maintenance Planning And Work Control

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Instructor by : Mr. Ating Sudradjat Ir. M.Sc 



Maintenance planning and scheduling are the fastest and most effective investments that an organization can make to improve plant productivity and equipment availability. Planning and scheduling using structured and systematic approaches are critical for every successful plant. The techniques that participants will learn in this course will allow for effective planning and scheduling of maintenance resources. The course covers all the fundamentals and advanced methods and applications that a suitably qualified professional would use in carrying out fully functional plant maintenance. It provides a step-by-step practical guide to best practices of maintenance planning and scheduling that will reduce maintenance costs and deliver maximum business benefits.

This course also designed to build competency in Work Control as a primary skill set in the Competency Map for Facilities Maintenance Management. It will focus on the six phases of work management (work identification, planning, prioritization, scheduling, execution and history capture.) A pre/ post self assessment will be used to measure competency improvement. Each participant will develop an action plan to help their organizations become more efficient and safer.



  • To develop world class planning and work control
  • To employ business process analysis techniques in work control.
  • Protect and improve the value of your plant machinery with advanced maintenance planning and scheduling best practice
  • Understand the roles and duties of a maintenance planner and scheduler and discover optimal planning methods for proactive maintenance tasks and default maintenance actions
  • Explore how to effectively combine reliability centered maintenance with maintenance planning and scheduling to reduce maintenance costs and maximize machinery uptime
  • Successfully integrate advanced maintenance planning and scheduling principles.
  • Techniques critical equipment analysis, critical spares control, and emergency response work.



  • Structured analysis of the main maintenance planning principles.
  • Efficient examination of the main maintenance scheduling principles.
  • Optimal planning and scheduling of proactive maintenance tasks and default actions
  • Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and failure mode, effect and criticality analysis (FMECA) for maintenance planning and scheduling
  • Effective use of proven condition monitoring technologies (i.e. vibration, acoustic emission, infrared thermography and wear debris) for maintenance planning and scheduling
  • Integration of reliability centered maintenance with maintenance planning and scheduling
  • Maintenance planning for shutdowns
  • Management of maintenance backlogs
  • Critical Equipment Focus
  • Emergency Response



This highly interactive training course will benefit anyone responsible for maintenance, who wishes to build competency in maintenance planning and scheduling. This includes plant directors, senior plant managers, maintenance managers/supervisors/coordinators, operations managers and supervisors and materials and storeroom managers who are involved in plant maintenance, reliability and equipment availability.



Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation



Training Kit




2 X Coffee Break



TRAINING FEE for Maintenance Planning And Work Control

Rp 7.000.000,- / participant / Non residential

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