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Online Training – Advanced Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
September 11, 2020
Jadwal Pelatihan Online Training – Advanced Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
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Maintaining air conditioning system is two fold. Troubleshooting and immediate action is required to repair issues as they occur. And proper preventive maintenance can lessen the frequency of the problems and lengthen equipment life. This class assumes that the participants have a basic understanding of air conditioning system and focus on advanced concepts.
1. Thermodynamics
- Objectives
- Principles and Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
- Pressure and Vacuum
- Pressure/Temperature/Volume Relationships
- Gas Laws
- Cycle Construction
2. Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle
- Heat Transfer Process
- Follow the Heat
- Typical Operating Conditions
3. Refrigerants and Oils
- R-410A
- Refrigerant Classifications
- Refrigerant Safety
- Refrigerant Cylinders
- Environmental Refrigerant Regulations
4. Refrigerants Equipment Components
- Evaporators
- Compressors
- Condensers
- Metering Devices
- Refrigeration-system Accessories
5. Heat Loan in Refrigeration System
- Survey
- Calculating the Total Product Load
- Miscellaneous Heat Load
6. Psychrometerics
- Psychrometerics
- Comfort
- EPA 420-K-02-003
- Moisture Control in the Key Mold Control
- Humidity
- Preservation
- Dew Point
- CRM Requirements
- Air Condition System Design
7. Refrigeration Baselining
- Manufacturer
- System Types
- Nameplate Informational
- Voltage and Amps
- Refrigerant Types and Charge
- Oil and Types
- Temperature Readings
- Condensing and Evaporating Coils and their Conditions
- Refrigerant Pressures
- Types of Metering Devices
- Piping Design
- System Acessories
- Material Compatibility
8. Characteristics of Evaporators
- Heat or Energy
- Evaporative Coil
- The Superheat of Metering Devices
- Superhead of a Thermostatic Expansion Valve
- Refrigeration
- Altitude Correction
- Temperature Difference in A/C
- Temperature Difference in Refrigeration Space
- Air Condition System Design
- Calculation of heat
- Enthalpy (h1-h2)
9. Troubleshooting an Air Conditioning System
- Voltage and Amps
- Evaporator Superheat
- Condensing Subcooling
- Temperature difference in A/C Evaporator
- Temperature difference in A/C Condenser
10. Charging Residential Air Conditioning R-22
- Compressor
- Condenser
- Metering Devices
- Evaporators
- Charging Methods
- Thermostatic Expansion Vale R-22
- Fixed Orifice R-22
- Total Superheat Method
- Refrigeration