Online Training – Basic Compliance

Online Training – Basic Compliance

December 30, 2020

Jadwal Pelatihan Online Training – Basic Compliance

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To this day, compliance violations are often considered nothing more than a trivial offense, even though many companies have drafted guidelines for employees that prescribe legally compliant conduct. Every employee at your company should know, understand, and feel obligated to comply with and implement these guidelines. Using e-learning programs to present basic information on compliance supports you in implementing your principles and guidelines, and helps to clarify the general importance of compliance within your company. The online-based training program on compliance basics combine awareness building, knowledge transfer, and company-wide communication.

The tutorial on compliance basics is the ideal starting point for a series of training programs on the various aspects of the broad topic of compliance. It can help raise basic awareness of the issue among your employees while also serving as a general introduction to more specific training courses on topics like combating corruption or competition law.



  • What is Compliance?
  • Compliance in Daily Life
  • Compliance in Daily Life (For Financial Service Providers)
  • Consequences of Violations
  • Consequences of Violations (For Financial Service Providers)
  • Compliance at the Company
  • Reporting Tips to Our Ombudsperson
  • Our Whistleblower System
  • Recognizing Money Laundering and Responding Appropriately
  • CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Case Study
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