Home » Online Training – Powerful Database Analysis and Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2010
Online Training – Powerful Database Analysis and Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2010
January 11, 2023
Jadwal Pelatihan Online Training – Powerful Database Analysis and Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2010
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Selama ini Microsoft Excel dianggap sebagai software pengolah data angka yang komprehensif dan sangat powerful. Banyak user dari berbagai departemen di perusahaan, seperti SDM, marketing, atau Humas yang menggunakan Excel untuk beragam proses pengolahan data dalam pekerjaan mereka sehari-hari. Namun demikian, sesungguhnya masih banyak fungsi dan fasilitas Excel yang belum digali dan diaplikasikan dalam praktek pengolahan data, khususnya sebuah database bank yang kompleks (banyak variabel) dan berjumlah besar.
MATERI Training Online – Powerful Database Analysis and Dashboard Reporting with Excel 2010
- Step by Step Operation for External Data Converting Process to Excel Database
- Created and Design Worksheet With Using Sparklines Object
- How Using Auto Filter with Union Field Key and Custom Filter
- Optimization Filtering Column in Database
- How Make Advance Filter (Criteria and Output Data Query)
- How Make and Using Consolidate Methods
- Removing Duplicate Rows
- Using the Excel Built-In Data Entry Form
- Creating a Drop-Down List in a Cell
- How Make Ranking Values
- Performing a LOOKUP Function
- How Using Operational Table with ADVANCE LOOKUP Function
- How Make and Using Pivot Table Optimization
- Created and Design Worksheet Report With Using Pivot Table
- How Make and Using Pivot Chart Optimization with Slicers Panel
- Created and Design Cells Graphic With Using Spark Lines
- How Make and Using Data Validation
- How Make and Using Data Validation Automation With Table Function
- How Make and Using Data Table Method for One Cell Input and Two Cell Input
- How Make and Using data Analysis Method (What If Analysis)
- How Make and Using Analysis Function
- How Make Active and Using Solver Analysis Tool Pack