Production Optimization of Oil and Gas

Production Optimization of Oil and Gas

November 2, 2013

Jadwal Pelatihan Production Optimization of Oil and Gas

Belum ada jadwal terbaru


Instructor by : I Nengah Diasta


  • Make basic PVT properties and inflow performance calculations related to artificial lift
  • Understand and apply multiphase tubing and pipe flow principles
  • Select the appropriate artificial lift system
  • Compare systems to determine what system is most economically feasible
  • Specify components and auxiliary equipment needed for each system
  • Know what best practices are available to extend the life of equipment and installed lift systems
  • Apply basic design and analysis concepts
  • Design system features that allow for gassy production, production with solids, viscous production, and for other harsh environments.



  1. Introduction
  2. Artificial Lift Systems
  3. Overview – Nodal Analysis
  4. Oil Well Flow Prediction
  5. Gas Well Loading Prediction
  6. Selection of Artificial Lift Methods
  7. Gaslift
  8. Electric Submersible Pumps
  9. Jet Pumps



Engineers, technicians, field supervisors, and others who select, design, install, evaluate, or operate artificial lift systems.



Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation


TRAINING FEE for Production Optimization of Oil and Gas

Rp9.000.000,- / participant / Non residential

(minimum 3 peserta training pasti jalan)





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