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Business Process Mapping
December 19, 2023
Jadwal Pelatihan Business Process Mapping
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Proses adalah serangkaian kegiatan yang merubah masukan menjadi keluaran. Proses pengenalan dan penggambaran kegiatan-kegiatan yang ada pada suatu organisasi adalah Pemetaan Proses Bisnis (Business Process Mapping). Proses-proses bisnis seringkali tidak tergambar dengan baik sehingga tidak semua anggota organisasi paham atas keseluruhan proses yang ada.
Apapun kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh corporate merupakan gabungan antara input, action, output, dan proses. Untuk menjaga agar customers, employees, dan shareholders puas, maka corporate management harus berjuang mengatasi conflicting priorities. Dampaknya akan terlihat dalam conflicting processes. Untuk membantu mencapai true customer satisfaction, management memerlukan tools yang dapat melakukan holistic approach untuk menganalisa proses-proses tersebut.
Pelatihan ini menggunakan pendekatan holistic approach, mengintegrasikan proses-proses perusahaan agar bisa mencapai true customer satisfaction. Melalui pelatihan ini para peserta akan memperoleh pengetahuan dan skill mengenai tool tersebut di atas. Dalam pelatihan ini akan ditunjukkan juga kepada para peserta bagaimana melakukan analisa dan memperbaiki critical processes dalam organisasi sehingga dapat memberikan service level tertinggi kepada customers-nya baik internal maupun eksternal. Pelatihan ini juga memberikan pemahaman yang jelas apa yang process mapping dapat lakukan bagi korporasi dan penerapan praktis setiap langkah dalam process mapping. Secara umum pelatihan ini menyajikan proven method yang menjamin better processes dan membangun perusahaan yang lebih berfokus pada customer.
Selain itu, melalui pelatihan ini para peserta akan memperoleh ketrampilan dan pemahaman akan proses, manfaat proses, tata kelola proses, memperbaiki proses. Pelatihan ini juga dilengkapi dengan latihan serta contoh. Para peserta juga akan difasilitasi bagaimana menggunakan software solution for business process mapping yaitu Microsoft Visio dan Enterprise Architect dalam sesi Process Mapping Generation.
Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, maka para peserta akan mendapatkan pengetahuan dan skill Business Process Mappping, khususnya mampu:
- Memahami secara umum dan praktis apa yang dimaksud dengan Process Mapping
- Memahami The Four Major Steps of Process Mapping
- Memahami melakukan Drilling Down into the Process
- Melakukan Process Indentification
- Memahami bagaimana melakukan Information Gathering terkait dengan Process Mapping
- Mampu melakukan Interviewing and Map Generation
- Mampu melakukan Building Map
- Mampu melakukan Analisa Process Map, Customer Map, Spaghetti Map, dan RACI Matrix
- Menggunakan Business Process Mapping Software i.e. Microsoft Visio, Enterprise Architect
1. Introduction to Process Mapping
- What is Process Mapping
- Why Process Mapping is Important
- The Standard Symbols used in Process Mapping
- Types of Process Maps
- Process Mapping as a Continuous Improvement Tool
- The 4 Major Steps of Process Mapping: Process Identification, Information Gathering, Interviewing and Map Generation
- Analyzing the Data
- Customer Mapping
- Spaghetti Maps and RACI Matrices
- Comprehensive Example
- JayKayCo Case Study
2. Drilling Down Into The Process
- Process Defined
- Processes, Units, Tasks, and Actions
- Identifying Inputs and Outputs to Units
- Defining Task and Action Levels
- Comprehensive Example
- Exercises and Discussion:
- Identifying Inputs, Transformations and Outputs
- Identifying Units within a Process
- Unit Inputs and Outputs
- Identifying Tasks, Actions, and the Related Inputs and Output
- Human Resources Processes
3. Process Identification
- Finding the Story
- Identifying Company Processes
- Business Process Timeline Worksheets
- Comprehensive Example
- Exercises and Discussion
- Identifying the Process Trigger
- Determining Which Actions Are Trigger Points
- Identifying All Customer Trigger Points
- Naming the Processes
- Naming All Potential Triggers
- Supporting Processes
- Additional Supporting Processes
- Defining the Hiring Process
4. Information Gathering
- Describe the Process
- Interviewing the Process and Unit Owners
- Process Profile Worksheet
- Comprehensive Example
- Tutorial
- How to use Visio for Business Process Mapping
- Exercises and Discussion
- Identify the Process and Unit Owners
- Improving Process Descriptions
- Providing Process Descriptions
- Matching Owners to Processes
- Identifying Good Objectives
- Writing Objectives
- Identifying Risks
- Determining Risks to Objectives
- Identifying Key Controls
- Identifying Measures of Success
- Completing the Process Profile Worksheet
5. Interviewing and Map Generation
- Interviewing
- Map Generation
- Comprehensive Example
- Tutorial:
- How to use Enterprise Architect for Business Process Mapping
- Exercises and Discussion
- Process Mapping Basics-Decision Trees
- Verb/Noun Format
- A Simple Process Map
- Building your First Complete Map
- Putting it all Together
6. Building The Map
- Exercises and Discussion
- Mapping the Hiring Process
7. Analysis of The Process Maps
- Review the Process Profile Worksheet
- Review the Process Map
- Exercises and Discussion
- Analyzing Approvals
- Analyzing Process Map Loops
- Analyzing Delays, Rework, and Handoffs
- Analyzing the Forms
- Analyzing Unfinished Activities
- Analyzing the Hiring Process
8. Customer Mapping
- Steps of Customer Mapping
- Defining the Job
- Identifying Key Tasks and Actions
- Actions, Inputs, and Outputs
- Measures of Success
- Ranking Measures and Determining Success
- Customer Profile Worksheet
- Creating the Customer Map
- Exercises and Discussion:
- Defining the Job
- Identifying Key Tasks
- Actions, Inputs and Outputs
- Determining Measures of Success
- Completing the Customer Profile Worksheet
- Building a Customer Map
- A Comprehensive Customer Mapping Project
9. Spaghetti Maps and Raci Matrices
- Spaghetti Maps
- Identifying the Key Steps
- Building the Actual Map
- Analyzing the Spaghetti Map
- RACI Matrices
- Building the RACI Matrix
- Analyzing the RACI Matrix
- Exercises and Discussion:
- Identifying the Key Steps
- Building the as is Spaghetti Map
- Building the to be Map
- Spaghetti Mapping the Hiring Process
- Determining Responsibilities
- Building a RACI Matrix
- Analyzing the RACI Matrix
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant (Yogyakarta)