Mapping Subsurface Structures

Mapping Subsurface Structures

May 9, 2014

Jadwal Pelatihan Mapping Subsurface Structures

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

Instructor by: Muhadjir Muhammad Darwin


OUTLINE MATERI Training Mapping Subsurface Structures

  1. Contouring techniques
  2. Triangulation
  3. Using dip in mapping
  4. Different measures of thickness
  5. Thickness in deviated wells
  6. Isopach and isocore maps
  7. Dip-domain cross sections
  8. Data projection
  9. Trend and plunge of folds on tangent diagrams
  10. Composite-surface maps
  11. Fault shapes and displacement distributions
  12. Heave and throw from stratigraphic separation
  13. Stratigraphic seperation from structure contour map
  14. Constructing fault-plane maps
  15. Faults on isopach maps
  16. Combining fault and horizon maps
  17. Contouring across faults
  18. Structural quality-control techniques
  19. Multiple-surface map compatibility
  20. Map validation using implied fault contours
  21. Finding faults and fault orientations with SCAT analysis of dipmeters
  22. Juxtaposition diagrams for trap and seal analysis
  23. Fault-cutoff lines in computer mapping
  24. Soft linked and hard linked faults
  25. Relay and branching fault patterns
  26. Mapping sequential cross-cutting faults



  • Presentation
  • Discussion
  • Case Study
  • Evaluation



  • Training Kit
  • Handout
  • Certificate
  • Lunch
  • 2 X Coffee Break
  • Souvenir


TRAINING FEE for Mapping Subsurface Structures

Rp. 7.500.000,- / peserta / non recidential

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